18 std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>
A mutable version of CTransaction.
Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs.
An output of a transaction.
IguanaTrace RunScript(ScriptInterpreter &interpreter, bool isPushOnly) const
IguanaResult Run() const
Run the interpreter, stepping through the scripts and return the trace.
PrecomputedTransactionData txdata
MutableTransactionSignatureChecker sigChecker
IguanaInterpreter(CMutableTransaction txIn, uint32_t inputIndexIn, CTxOut spentOutput, uint32_t flagsIn)
T GetRand(T nMax=std::numeric_limits< T >::max()) noexcept
Generate a uniform random integer of type T in the range [0..nMax) nMax defaults to std::numeric_limi...
Script opcodes.
IguanaTrace traceScriptSig
IguanaTrace traceScriptPubKey
ScriptExecutionMetrics metrics
std::optional< IguanaTrace > traceRedeemScript
std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > stack
std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > altstack
std::vector< uint8_t > pushdata
std::vector< IguanaTraceEntry > entries
IguanaStacks initialStacks
Precompute sighash midstate to avoid quadratic hashing.
Struct for holding cumulative results from executing a script or a sequence of scripts.