Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
2 // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
3 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4 // file COPYING or
6 #include <chain.h>
7 #include <tinyformat.h>
8 #include <util/time.h>
10 std::string CBlockFileInfo::ToString() const
11 {
12  return strprintf("CBlockFileInfo(blocks=%u, size=%u, heights=%u...%u, time=%s...%s)", nBlocks, nSize, nHeightFirst, nHeightLast, FormatISO8601Date(nTimeFirst), FormatISO8601Date(nTimeLast));
13 }
15 std::string CBlockIndex::ToString() const
16 {
17  return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
19 }
22 {
23  CBlockIndex* pindex = &block;
24  vChain.resize(pindex->nHeight + 1);
25  while (pindex && vChain[pindex->nHeight] != pindex) {
26  vChain[pindex->nHeight] = pindex;
27  pindex = pindex->pprev;
28  }
29 }
31 std::vector<uint256> LocatorEntries(const CBlockIndex* index)
32 {
33  int step = 1;
34  std::vector<uint256> have;
35  if (index == nullptr) return have;
37  have.reserve(32);
38  while (index) {
39  have.emplace_back(index->GetBlockHash());
40  if (index->nHeight == 0) break;
41  // Exponentially larger steps back, plus the genesis block.
42  int height = std::max(index->nHeight - step, 0);
43  // Use skiplist.
44  index = index->GetAncestor(height);
45  if (have.size() > 10) step *= 2;
46  }
47  return have;
48 }
51 {
52  return CBlockLocator{LocatorEntries(index)};
53 }
56 {
58 }
60 const CBlockIndex *CChain::FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const {
61  if (pindex == nullptr) {
62  return nullptr;
63  }
64  if (pindex->nHeight > Height())
65  pindex = pindex->GetAncestor(Height());
66  while (pindex && !Contains(pindex))
67  pindex = pindex->pprev;
68  return pindex;
69 }
71 CBlockIndex* CChain::FindEarliestAtLeast(int64_t nTime, int height) const
72 {
73  std::pair<int64_t, int> blockparams = std::make_pair(nTime, height);
74  std::vector<CBlockIndex*>::const_iterator lower = std::lower_bound(vChain.begin(), vChain.end(), blockparams,
75  [](CBlockIndex* pBlock, const std::pair<int64_t, int>& blockparams) -> bool { return pBlock->GetBlockTimeMax() < blockparams.first || pBlock->nHeight < blockparams.second; });
76  return (lower == vChain.end() ? nullptr : *lower);
77 }
80 int static inline InvertLowestOne(int n) { return n & (n - 1); }
83 int static inline GetSkipHeight(int height) {
84  if (height < 2)
85  return 0;
87  // Determine which height to jump back to. Any number strictly lower than height is acceptable,
88  // but the following expression seems to perform well in simulations (max 110 steps to go back
89  // up to 2**18 blocks).
90  return (height & 1) ? InvertLowestOne(InvertLowestOne(height - 1)) + 1 : InvertLowestOne(height);
91 }
93 const CBlockIndex* CBlockIndex::GetAncestor(int height) const
94 {
95  if (height > nHeight || height < 0) {
96  return nullptr;
97  }
99  const CBlockIndex* pindexWalk = this;
100  int heightWalk = nHeight;
101  while (heightWalk > height) {
102  int heightSkip = GetSkipHeight(heightWalk);
103  int heightSkipPrev = GetSkipHeight(heightWalk - 1);
104  if (pindexWalk->pskip != nullptr &&
105  (heightSkip == height ||
106  (heightSkip > height && !(heightSkipPrev < heightSkip - 2 &&
107  heightSkipPrev >= height)))) {
108  // Only follow pskip if pprev->pskip isn't better than pskip->pprev.
109  pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pskip;
110  heightWalk = heightSkip;
111  } else {
112  assert(pindexWalk->pprev);
113  pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pprev;
114  heightWalk--;
115  }
116  }
117  return pindexWalk;
118 }
121 {
122  return const_cast<CBlockIndex*>(static_cast<const CBlockIndex*>(this)->GetAncestor(height));
123 }
126 {
127  if (pprev)
129 }
132 {
133  arith_uint256 bnTarget;
134  bool fNegative;
135  bool fOverflow;
136  bnTarget.SetCompact(block.nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
137  if (fNegative || fOverflow || bnTarget == 0)
138  return 0;
139  // We need to compute 2**256 / (bnTarget+1), but we can't represent 2**256
140  // as it's too large for an arith_uint256. However, as 2**256 is at least as large
141  // as bnTarget+1, it is equal to ((2**256 - bnTarget - 1) / (bnTarget+1)) + 1,
142  // or ~bnTarget / (bnTarget+1) + 1.
143  return (~bnTarget / (bnTarget + 1)) + 1;
144 }
146 int64_t GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(const CBlockIndex& to, const CBlockIndex& from, const CBlockIndex& tip, const Consensus::Params& params)
147 {
148  arith_uint256 r;
149  int sign = 1;
150  if (to.nChainWork > from.nChainWork) {
151  r = to.nChainWork - from.nChainWork;
152  } else {
153  r = from.nChainWork - to.nChainWork;
154  sign = -1;
155  }
156  r = r * arith_uint256(params.nPowTargetSpacing) / GetBlockProof(tip);
157  if (r.bits() > 63) {
158  return sign * std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
159  }
160  return sign * int64_t(r.GetLow64());
161 }
166  if (pa->nHeight > pb->nHeight) {
167  pa = pa->GetAncestor(pb->nHeight);
168  } else if (pb->nHeight > pa->nHeight) {
169  pb = pb->GetAncestor(pa->nHeight);
170  }
172  while (pa != pb && pa && pb) {
173  pa = pa->pprev;
174  pb = pb->pprev;
175  }
177  // Eventually all chain branches meet at the genesis block.
178  assert(pa == pb);
179  return pa;
180 }
arith_uint256 GetBlockProof(const CBlockIndex &block)
Definition: chain.cpp:131
CBlockLocator GetLocator(const CBlockIndex *index)
Get a locator for a block index entry.
Definition: chain.cpp:50
const CBlockIndex * LastCommonAncestor(const CBlockIndex *pa, const CBlockIndex *pb)
Find the last common ancestor two blocks have.
Definition: chain.cpp:165
int64_t GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(const CBlockIndex &to, const CBlockIndex &from, const CBlockIndex &tip, const Consensus::Params &params)
Return the time it would take to redo the work difference between from and to, assuming the current h...
Definition: chain.cpp:146
static int GetSkipHeight(int height)
Compute what height to jump back to with the CBlockIndex::pskip pointer.
Definition: chain.cpp:83
std::vector< uint256 > LocatorEntries(const CBlockIndex *index)
Construct a list of hash entries to put in a locator.
Definition: chain.cpp:31
static int InvertLowestOne(int n)
Turn the lowest '1' bit in the binary representation of a number into a '0'.
Definition: chain.cpp:80
uint64_t nTimeFirst
earliest time of block in file
Definition: chain.h:55
uint64_t nTimeLast
latest time of block in file
Definition: chain.h:56
std::string ToString() const
Definition: chain.cpp:10
unsigned int nHeightFirst
lowest height of block in file
Definition: chain.h:53
unsigned int nHeightLast
highest height of block in file
Definition: chain.h:54
unsigned int nBlocks
number of blocks stored in file
Definition: chain.h:50
unsigned int nSize
number of used bytes of block file
Definition: chain.h:51
The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root,...
Definition: chain.h:141
uint256 hashMerkleRoot
Definition: chain.h:189
std::string ToString() const
Definition: chain.cpp:15
CBlockIndex * pprev
pointer to the index of the predecessor of this block
Definition: chain.h:147
void BuildSkip()
Build the skiplist pointer for this entry.
Definition: chain.cpp:125
arith_uint256 nChainWork
(memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this ...
Definition: chain.h:165
uint256 GetBlockHash() const
Definition: chain.h:244
uint32_t nBits
Definition: chain.h:191
CBlockIndex * pskip
pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
Definition: chain.h:150
CBlockIndex * GetAncestor(int height)
Efficiently find an ancestor of this block.
Definition: chain.cpp:120
int nHeight
height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0
Definition: chain.h:153
CBlockIndex * Tip() const
Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or nullptr if none.
Definition: chain.h:434
void SetTip(CBlockIndex &block)
Set/initialize a chain with a given tip.
Definition: chain.cpp:21
CBlockIndex * FindEarliestAtLeast(int64_t nTime, int height) const
Find the earliest block with timestamp equal or greater than the given time and height equal or great...
Definition: chain.cpp:71
int Height() const
Return the maximal height in the chain.
Definition: chain.h:463
const CBlockIndex * FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const
Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry.
Definition: chain.cpp:60
std::vector< CBlockIndex * > vChain
Definition: chain.h:420
bool Contains(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const
Efficiently check whether a block is present in this chain.
Definition: chain.h:448
CBlockLocator GetLocator() const
Return a CBlockLocator that refers to the tip in of this chain.
Definition: chain.cpp:55
256-bit unsigned big integer.
arith_uint256 & SetCompact(uint32_t nCompact, bool *pfNegative=nullptr, bool *pfOverflow=nullptr)
The "compact" format is a representation of a whole number N using an unsigned 32bit number similar t...
std::string ToString() const
Definition: uint256.cpp:47
uint64_t GetLow64() const
unsigned int bits() const
Returns the position of the highest bit set plus one, or zero if the value is zero.
Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the sam...
Definition: block.h:124
Parameters that influence chain consensus.
Definition: params.h:74
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing
Definition: params.h:112
std::string FormatISO8601Date(int64_t nTime)
Definition: time.cpp:55
#define strprintf
Format arguments and return the string or write to given std::ostream (see tinyformat::format doc for...
Definition: tinyformat.h:1161