Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**********************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2018,2021 Pieter Wuille, Greg Maxwell, Gleb Naumenko *
3  * Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying *
4  * file LICENSE or*
5  **********************************************************************/
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cstdio>
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <random>
11 #include <stdexcept>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include "../include/minisketch.h"
16 #include "util.h"
18 namespace {
20 uint64_t Combination(uint64_t n, uint64_t k) {
21  if (n - k < k) k = n - k;
22  uint64_t ret = 1;
23  for (uint64_t i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
24  ret = (ret * n) / i;
25  --n;
26  }
27  return ret;
28 }
31 std::vector<Minisketch> CreateSketches(uint32_t bits, size_t capacity) {
32  if (!Minisketch::BitsSupported(bits)) return {};
33  std::vector<Minisketch> ret;
34  for (uint32_t impl = 0; impl <= Minisketch::MaxImplementation(); ++impl) {
35  if (Minisketch::ImplementationSupported(bits, impl)) {
36  CHECK(Minisketch::BitsSupported(bits));
37  ret.push_back(Minisketch(bits, impl, capacity));
38  CHECK((bool)ret.back());
39  } else {
40  // implementation 0 must always work unless field size is disabled
41  CHECK(impl != 0 || !Minisketch::BitsSupported(bits));
42  }
43  }
44  return ret;
45 }
49 void TestExhaustive(uint32_t bits, size_t capacity) {
50  auto sketches = CreateSketches(bits, capacity);
51  if (sketches.empty()) return;
52  auto sketches_rebuild = CreateSketches(bits, capacity);
54  std::vector<unsigned char> serialized;
55  std::vector<unsigned char> serialized_empty;
56  std::vector<uint64_t> counts;
57  std::vector<uint64_t> elements_0;
58  std::vector<uint64_t> elements_other;
59  std::vector<uint64_t> elements_too_small;
61  counts.resize(capacity + 1);
62  serialized.resize(sketches[0].GetSerializedSize());
63  serialized_empty.resize(sketches[0].GetSerializedSize());
65  // Iterate over all (bits)-bit sketches with (capacity) syndromes.
66  for (uint64_t x = 0; (x >> (bits * capacity)) == 0; ++x) {
67  // Construct the serialization.
68  for (size_t i = 0; i < serialized.size(); ++i) {
69  serialized[i] = (x >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF;
70  }
72  // Compute all the solutions
73  sketches[0].Deserialize(serialized);
74  elements_0.resize(64);
75  bool decodable_0 = sketches[0].Decode(elements_0);
76  std::sort(elements_0.begin(), elements_0.end());
78  // Verify that decoding with other implementations agrees.
79  for (size_t impl = 1; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
80  sketches[impl].Deserialize(serialized);
81  elements_other.resize(64);
82  bool decodable_other = sketches[impl].Decode(elements_other);
83  CHECK(decodable_other == decodable_0);
84  std::sort(elements_other.begin(), elements_other.end());
85  CHECK(elements_other == elements_0);
86  }
88  // If there are solutions:
89  if (decodable_0) {
90  if (!elements_0.empty()) {
91  // Decoding with limit one less than the number of elements should fail.
92  elements_too_small.resize(elements_0.size() - 1);
93  for (size_t impl = 0; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
94  CHECK(!sketches[impl].Decode(elements_too_small));
95  }
96  }
98  // Reconstruct the sketch from the solutions.
99  for (size_t impl = 0; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
100  // Clear the sketch.
101  sketches_rebuild[impl].Deserialize(serialized_empty);
102  // Load all decoded elements into it.
103  for (uint64_t elem : elements_0) {
104  CHECK(elem != 0);
105  CHECK(elem >> bits == 0);
106  sketches_rebuild[impl].Add(elem);
107  }
108  // Reserialize the result
109  auto serialized_rebuild = sketches_rebuild[impl].Serialize();
110  // Compare
111  CHECK(serialized == serialized_rebuild);
112  // Count it
113  if (impl == 0 && elements_0.size() <= capacity) ++counts[elements_0.size()];
114  }
115  }
116  }
118  // Verify that the number of decodable sketches with given elements is expected.
119  uint64_t mask = bits == 64 ? UINT64_MAX : (uint64_t{1} << bits) - 1;
120  for (uint64_t i = 0; i <= capacity && (i & mask) == i; ++i) {
121  CHECK(counts[i] == Combination(mask, i));
122  }
123 }
126 void TestRandomized(uint32_t bits, size_t max_capacity, size_t iter) {
127  std::random_device rnd;
128  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> capacity_dist(0, std::min<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() >> (64 - bits), max_capacity));
129  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> element_dist(1, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() >> (64 - bits));
130  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> rand64(0, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
131  std::uniform_int_distribution<int64_t> size_offset_dist(-3, 3);
133  std::vector<uint64_t> decode_0;
134  std::vector<uint64_t> decode_other;
135  std::vector<uint64_t> decode_temp;
136  std::vector<uint64_t> elements;
138  for (size_t i = 0; i < iter; ++i) {
139  // Determine capacity, and construct Minisketch objects for all implementations.
140  uint64_t capacity = capacity_dist(rnd);
141  auto sketches = CreateSketches(bits, capacity);
142  // Sanity checks
143  if (sketches.empty()) return;
144  for (size_t impl = 0; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
145  CHECK(sketches[impl].GetBits() == bits);
146  CHECK(sketches[impl].GetCapacity() == capacity);
147  CHECK(sketches[impl].GetSerializedSize() == sketches[0].GetSerializedSize());
148  }
149  // Determine the number of elements, and create a vector to store them in.
150  size_t element_count = std::max<int64_t>(0, std::max<int64_t>(0, capacity + size_offset_dist(rnd)));
151  elements.resize(element_count);
152  // Add the elements to all sketches
153  for (size_t j = 0; j < element_count; ++j) {
154  uint64_t elem = element_dist(rnd);
155  CHECK(elem != 0);
156  elements[j] = elem;
157  for (auto& sketch : sketches) sketch.Add(elem);
158  }
159  // Remove pairs of duplicates in elements, as they cancel out.
160  std::sort(elements.begin(), elements.end());
161  size_t real_element_count = element_count;
162  for (size_t pos = 0; pos + 1 < elements.size(); ++pos) {
163  if (elements[pos] == elements[pos + 1]) {
164  real_element_count -= 2;
165  // Set both elements to 0; afterwards we will move these to the end.
166  elements[pos] = 0;
167  elements[pos + 1] = 0;
168  ++pos;
169  }
170  }
171  if (real_element_count < element_count) {
172  // Move all introduced zeroes (masking duplicates) to the end.
173  std::sort(elements.begin(), elements.end(), [](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a != b && (b == 0 || (a != 0 && a < b)); });
174  CHECK(elements[real_element_count] == 0);
175  elements.resize(real_element_count);
176  }
177  // Create and compare serializations
178  auto serialized_0 = sketches[0].Serialize();
179  for (size_t impl = 1; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
180  auto serialized_other = sketches[impl].Serialize();
181  CHECK(serialized_other == serialized_0);
182  }
183  // Deserialize and reserialize them
184  for (size_t impl = 0; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
185  sketches[impl].Deserialize(serialized_0);
186  auto reserialized = sketches[impl].Serialize();
187  CHECK(reserialized == serialized_0);
188  }
189  // Decode with limit set to the capacity, and compare results
190  decode_0.resize(capacity);
191  bool decodable_0 = sketches[0].Decode(decode_0);
192  std::sort(decode_0.begin(), decode_0.end());
193  for (size_t impl = 1; impl < sketches.size(); ++impl) {
194  decode_other.resize(capacity);
195  bool decodable_other = sketches[impl].Decode(decode_other);
196  CHECK(decodable_other == decodable_0);
197  std::sort(decode_other.begin(), decode_other.end());
198  CHECK(decode_other == decode_0);
199  }
200  // If the result is decodable, it should also be decodable with limit
201  // set to the actual number of elements, and not with one less.
202  if (decodable_0) {
203  for (auto& sketch : sketches) {
204  decode_temp.resize(decode_0.size());
205  bool decodable = sketch.Decode(decode_temp);
206  CHECK(decodable);
207  std::sort(decode_temp.begin(), decode_temp.end());
208  CHECK(decode_temp == decode_0);
209  if (!decode_0.empty()) {
210  decode_temp.resize(decode_0.size() - 1);
211  decodable = sketch.Decode(decode_temp);
212  CHECK(!decodable);
213  }
214  }
215  }
216  // If the actual number of elements is not higher than the capacity, the
217  // result should be decodable, and the result should match what we put in.
218  if (real_element_count <= capacity) {
219  CHECK(decodable_0);
220  CHECK(decode_0 == elements);
221  }
222  }
223 }
225 void TestComputeFunctions() {
226  for (uint32_t bits = 0; bits <= 256; ++bits) {
227  for (uint32_t fpbits = 0; fpbits <= 512; ++fpbits) {
228  std::vector<size_t> table_max_elements(1025);
229  for (size_t capacity = 0; capacity <= 1024; ++capacity) {
230  table_max_elements[capacity] = minisketch_compute_max_elements(bits, capacity, fpbits);
231  // Exception for bits==0
232  if (bits == 0) CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] == 0);
233  // A sketch with capacity N cannot guarantee decoding more than N elements.
234  CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] <= capacity);
235  // When asking for N bits of false positive protection, either no solution exists, or no more than ceil(N / bits) excess capacity should be needed.
236  if (bits > 0) CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] == 0 || capacity - table_max_elements[capacity] <= (fpbits + bits - 1) / bits);
237  // Increasing capacity by one, if there is a solution, should always increment the max_elements by at least one as well.
238  if (capacity > 0) CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] == 0 || table_max_elements[capacity] > table_max_elements[capacity - 1]);
239  }
241  std::vector<size_t> table_capacity(513);
242  for (size_t max_elements = 0; max_elements <= 512; ++max_elements) {
243  table_capacity[max_elements] = minisketch_compute_capacity(bits, max_elements, fpbits);
244  // Exception for bits==0
245  if (bits == 0) CHECK(table_capacity[max_elements] == 0);
246  // To be able to decode N elements, capacity needs to be at least N.
247  if (bits > 0) CHECK(table_capacity[max_elements] >= max_elements);
248  // A sketch of N bits in total cannot have more than N bits of false positive protection;
249  if (bits > 0) CHECK(bits * table_capacity[max_elements] >= fpbits);
250  // When asking for N bits of false positive protection, no more than ceil(N / bits) excess capacity should be needed.
251  if (bits > 0) CHECK(table_capacity[max_elements] - max_elements <= (fpbits + bits - 1) / bits);
252  // Increasing max_elements by one can only increment the capacity by 0 or 1.
253  if (max_elements > 0 && fpbits < 256) CHECK(table_capacity[max_elements] == table_capacity[max_elements - 1] || table_capacity[max_elements] == table_capacity[max_elements - 1] + 1);
254  // Check round-tripping max_elements->capacity->max_elements (only a lower bound)
255  CHECK(table_capacity[max_elements] <= 1024);
256  CHECK(table_max_elements[table_capacity[max_elements]] == 0 || table_max_elements[table_capacity[max_elements]] >= max_elements);
257  }
259  for (size_t capacity = 0; capacity <= 512; ++capacity) {
260  // Check round-tripping capacity->max_elements->capacity (exact, if it exists)
261  CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] <= 512);
262  CHECK(table_max_elements[capacity] == 0 || table_capacity[table_max_elements[capacity]] == capacity);
263  }
264  }
265  }
266 }
268 } // namespace
270 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
271  uint64_t test_complexity = 4;
272  if (argc > 1) {
273  size_t len = 0;
274  std::string arg{argv[1]};
275  try {
276  test_complexity = 0;
277  long long complexity = std::stoll(arg, &len);
278  if (complexity >= 1 && len == arg.size() && ((uint64_t)complexity <= std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() >> 10)) {
279  test_complexity = complexity;
280  }
281  } catch (const std::logic_error&) {}
282  if (test_complexity == 0) {
283  fprintf(stderr, "Invalid complexity specified: '%s'\n", arg.c_str());
284  return 1;
285  }
286  }
289  const char* mode = " in verify mode";
290 #else
291  const char* mode = "";
292 #endif
293  printf("Running libminisketch tests%s with complexity=%llu\n", mode, (unsigned long long)test_complexity);
295  TestComputeFunctions();
297  for (unsigned j = 2; j <= 64; ++j) {
298  TestRandomized(j, 8, (test_complexity << 10) / j);
299  TestRandomized(j, 128, (test_complexity << 7) / j);
300  TestRandomized(j, 4096, test_complexity / j);
301  }
303  // Test capacity==0 together with all field sizes, and then
304  // all combinations of bits and capacity up to a certain bits*capacity,
305  // depending on test_complexity.
306  for (int weight = 0; weight <= 40; ++weight) {
307  for (int bits = 2; weight == 0 ? bits <= 64 : (bits <= 32 && bits <= weight); ++bits) {
308  int capacity = weight / bits;
309  if (capacity * bits != weight) continue;
310  TestExhaustive(bits, capacity);
311  }
312  if (weight >= 16 && test_complexity >> (weight - 16) == 0) break;
313  }
315  printf("All tests successful.\n");
316  return 0;
317 }
int ret
#define CHECK(cond)
Unconditional failure on condition failure.
Definition: util.h:35
MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_compute_capacity(uint32_t bits, size_t max_elements, uint32_t fpbits)
Compute the capacity needed to achieve a certain rate of false positives.
Definition: minisketch.cpp:480
MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_compute_max_elements(uint32_t bits, size_t capacity, uint32_t fpbits)
Compute what max_elements can be decoded for a certain rate of false positives.
Definition: minisketch.cpp:484
DecodeResult Decode(const std::string &str, CharLimit limit)
Decode a Bech32 or Bech32m string.
Definition: bech32.cpp:377
void printf(const char *fmt, const Args &... args)
Format list of arguments to std::cout, according to the given format string.
Definition: tinyformat.h:1076
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: test.cpp:270