Bitcoin ABC  0.26.3
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
6 #include <config/bitcoin-config.h>
7 #endif
9 #include <clientversion.h>
10 #include <common/args.h>
11 #include <compat/sanity.h>
12 #include <crypto/sha256.h>
13 #include <key.h>
14 #include <logging.h>
15 #include <node/miner.h>
16 #include <node/ui_interface.h>
17 #include <pubkey.h>
18 #include <random.h>
19 #include <util/fs_helpers.h>
20 #include <util/time.h>
21 #include <util/translation.h>
23 #include <memory>
27 static std::unique_ptr<ECCVerifyHandle> globalVerifyHandle;
29 namespace init {
30 void SetGlobals() {
31  std::string sha256_algo = SHA256AutoDetect();
32  LogPrintf("Using the '%s' SHA256 implementation\n", sha256_algo);
33  RandomInit();
34  ECC_Start();
36 }
38 void UnsetGlobals() {
39  globalVerifyHandle.reset();
40  ECC_Stop();
41 }
43 bool SanityChecks() {
44  if (!ECC_InitSanityCheck()) {
45  return InitError(Untranslated(
46  "Elliptic curve cryptography sanity check failure. Aborting."));
47  }
49  if (!glibcxx_sanity_test()) {
50  return false;
51  }
53  if (!Random_SanityCheck()) {
54  return InitError(Untranslated(
55  "OS cryptographic RNG sanity check failure. Aborting."));
56  }
58  if (!ChronoSanityCheck()) {
59  return InitError(Untranslated("Clock epoch mismatch. Aborting."));
60  }
62  return true;
63 }
65 void AddLoggingArgs(ArgsManager &argsman) {
66  argsman.AddArg(
67  "-debuglogfile=<file>",
68  strprintf("Specify location of debug log file. Relative paths will be "
69  "prefixed by a net-specific datadir location. "
70  "(-nodebuglogfile to disable; default: %s)",
73  argsman.AddArg("-debug=<category>",
74  "Output debugging information (default: -nodebug, supplying "
75  "<category> is optional). "
76  "If <category> is not supplied or if <category> = 1, output "
77  "all debugging information. <category> can be: " +
78  LogInstance().LogCategoriesString() +
79  ". This option can be specified multiple times to "
80  "output multiple categories.",
82  argsman.AddArg(
83  "-debugexclude=<category>",
84  strprintf(
85  "Exclude debugging information for a category. Can be used in "
86  "conjunction with -debug=1 to output debug logs for all categories "
87  "except the specified category. This option can be specified "
88  "multiple times to exclude multiple categories."),
90  argsman.AddArg(
91  "-logips",
92  strprintf("Include IP addresses in debug output (default: %u)",
95  argsman.AddArg(
96  "-logtimestamps",
97  strprintf("Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: %u)",
101  argsman.AddArg(
102  "-logthreadnames",
103  strprintf(
104  "Prepend debug output with name of the originating thread (only "
105  "available on platforms supporting thread_local) (default: %u)",
108 #else
109  argsman.AddHiddenArgs({"-logthreadnames"});
110 #endif
111  argsman.AddArg(
112  "-logsourcelocations",
113  strprintf(
114  "Prepend debug output with name of the originating source location "
115  "(source file, line number and function name) (default: %u)",
118  argsman.AddArg(
119  "-logtimemicros",
120  strprintf("Add microsecond precision to debug timestamps (default: %u)",
124  argsman.AddArg("-printtoconsole",
125  "Send trace/debug info to console (default: 1 when no "
126  "-daemon. To disable logging to file, set -nodebuglogfile)",
128  argsman.AddArg("-printpriority",
129  strprintf("Log transaction priority and fee per kB when "
130  "mining blocks (default: %d)",
134  argsman.AddArg(
135  "-shrinkdebugfile",
136  "Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)",
138 }
140 void SetLoggingOptions(const ArgsManager &args) {
141  LogInstance().m_print_to_file = !args.IsArgNegated("-debuglogfile");
143  args, args.GetPathArg("-debuglogfile", DEFAULT_DEBUGLOGFILE));
146  args.GetBoolArg("-printtoconsole", !args.GetBoolArg("-daemon", false));
148  args.GetBoolArg("-logtimestamps", DEFAULT_LOGTIMESTAMPS);
150  args.GetBoolArg("-logtimemicros", DEFAULT_LOGTIMEMICROS);
153  args.GetBoolArg("-logthreadnames", DEFAULT_LOGTHREADNAMES);
154 #endif
156  args.GetBoolArg("-logsourcelocations", DEFAULT_LOGSOURCELOCATIONS);
158  fLogIPs = args.GetBoolArg("-logips", DEFAULT_LOGIPS);
159 }
162  if (args.IsArgSet("-debug")) {
163  // Special-case: if -debug=0/-nodebug is set, turn off debugging
164  // messages
165  const std::vector<std::string> categories = args.GetArgs("-debug");
167  if (std::none_of(
168  categories.begin(), categories.end(),
169  [](std::string cat) { return cat == "0" || cat == "none"; })) {
170  for (const auto &cat : categories) {
171  if (!LogInstance().EnableCategory(cat)) {
172  InitWarning(
173  strprintf(_("Unsupported logging category %s=%s."),
174  "-debug", cat));
175  }
176  }
177  }
178  }
180  // Now remove the logging categories which were explicitly excluded
181  for (const std::string &cat : args.GetArgs("-debugexclude")) {
182  if (!LogInstance().DisableCategory(cat)) {
183  InitWarning(strprintf(_("Unsupported logging category %s=%s."),
184  "-debugexclude", cat));
185  }
186  }
187 }
189 bool StartLogging(const ArgsManager &args) {
190  BCLog::Logger &logger = LogInstance();
191  if (logger.m_print_to_file) {
192  if (args.GetBoolArg("-shrinkdebugfile",
193  logger.DefaultShrinkDebugFile())) {
194  // Do this first since it both loads a bunch of debug.log into
195  // memory, and because this needs to happen before any other
196  // debug.log printing.
197  logger.ShrinkDebugFile();
198  }
199  }
201  if (!logger.StartLogging()) {
202  return InitError(
203  strprintf(Untranslated("Could not open debug log file %s"),
204  fs::PathToString(logger.m_file_path)));
205  }
207  if (!logger.m_log_timestamps) {
208  LogPrintf("Startup time: %s\n", FormatISO8601DateTime(GetTime()));
209  }
210  LogPrintf("Default data directory %s\n",
212  LogPrintf("Using data directory %s\n",
215  // Only log conf file usage message if conf file actually exists.
216  fs::path config_file_path = args.GetConfigFilePath();
217  if (fs::exists(config_file_path)) {
218  LogPrintf("Config file: %s\n", fs::PathToString(config_file_path));
219  } else if (args.IsArgSet("-conf")) {
220  // Warn if no conf file exists at path provided by user
221  InitWarning(
222  strprintf(_("The specified config file %s does not exist\n"),
223  fs::PathToString(config_file_path)));
224  } else {
225  // Not categorizing as "Warning" because it's the default behavior
226  LogPrintf("Config file: %s (not found, skipping)\n",
227  fs::PathToString(config_file_path));
228  }
230  // Log the config arguments to debug.log
231  args.LogArgs();
233  return true;
234 }
237  std::string version_string = FormatFullVersion();
238 #ifdef DEBUG
239  version_string += " (debug build)";
240 #else
241  version_string += " (release build)";
242 #endif
243  LogPrintf("%s version %s\n", CLIENT_NAME, version_string);
244 }
245 } // namespace init
fs::path GetDefaultDataDir()
Definition: args.cpp:759
ArgsManager gArgs
Definition: args.cpp:38
fs::path AbsPathForConfigVal(const ArgsManager &args, const fs::path &path, bool net_specific=true)
Most paths passed as configuration arguments are treated as relative to the datadir if they are not a...
Definition: configfile.cpp:234
bool IsArgNegated(const std::string &strArg) const
Return true if the argument was originally passed as a negated option, i.e.
Definition: args.cpp:490
Definition: args.h:103
Definition: args.h:104
std::vector< std::string > GetArgs(const std::string &strArg) const
Return a vector of strings of the given argument.
Definition: args.cpp:371
bool IsArgSet(const std::string &strArg) const
Return true if the given argument has been manually set.
Definition: args.cpp:381
const fs::path & GetDataDirNet() const
Get data directory path with appended network identifier.
Definition: args.h:215
fs::path GetConfigFilePath() const
Return config file path (read-only)
Definition: args.cpp:789
void LogArgs() const
Log the config file options and the command line arguments, useful for troubleshooting.
Definition: args.cpp:860
bool GetBoolArg(const std::string &strArg, bool fDefault) const
Return boolean argument or default value.
Definition: args.cpp:556
void AddHiddenArgs(const std::vector< std::string > &args)
Add many hidden arguments.
Definition: args.cpp:642
void AddArg(const std::string &name, const std::string &help, unsigned int flags, const OptionsCategory &cat)
Add argument.
Definition: args.cpp:620
fs::path GetPathArg(std::string arg, const fs::path &default_value={}) const
Return path argument or default value.
Definition: args.cpp:275
bool DefaultShrinkDebugFile() const
Default for whether ShrinkDebugFile should be run.
Definition: logging.cpp:363
bool m_log_sourcelocations
Definition: logging.h:109
fs::path m_file_path
Definition: logging.h:111
bool m_log_time_micros
Definition: logging.h:107
bool m_log_threadnames
Definition: logging.h:108
bool StartLogging()
Start logging (and flush all buffered messages)
Definition: logging.cpp:44
bool m_log_timestamps
Definition: logging.h:106
void ShrinkDebugFile()
Definition: logging.cpp:286
bool m_print_to_file
Definition: logging.h:104
bool m_print_to_console
Definition: logging.h:103
Users of this module must hold an ECCVerifyHandle.
Definition: pubkey.h:223
Path class wrapper to block calls to the fs::path(std::string) implicit constructor and the fs::path:...
Definition: fs.h:30
std::string FormatFullVersion()
const std::string CLIENT_NAME
static std::unique_ptr< ECCVerifyHandle > globalVerifyHandle
Definition: common.cpp:27
bool glibcxx_sanity_test()
bool ECC_InitSanityCheck()
Check that required EC support is available at runtime.
Definition: key.cpp:427
void ECC_Start()
Initialize the elliptic curve support.
Definition: key.cpp:434
void ECC_Stop()
Deinitialize the elliptic curve support.
Definition: key.cpp:451
bool fLogIPs
Definition: logging.cpp:17
const char *const DEFAULT_DEBUGLOGFILE
Definition: logging.cpp:18
BCLog::Logger & LogInstance()
Definition: logging.cpp:20
Definition: logging.h:24
static const bool DEFAULT_LOGIPS
Definition: logging.h:23
Definition: logging.h:25
Definition: logging.h:26
Definition: logging.h:22
#define LogPrintf(...)
Definition: logging.h:207
static bool exists(const path &p)
Definition: fs.h:102
static std::string PathToString(const path &path)
Convert path object to byte string.
Definition: fs.h:142
Definition: common.cpp:29
void AddLoggingArgs(ArgsManager &argsman)
Definition: common.cpp:65
void SetLoggingCategories(const ArgsManager &args)
Definition: common.cpp:161
bool SanityChecks()
Ensure a usable environment with all necessary library support.
Definition: common.cpp:43
void SetGlobals()
Definition: common.cpp:30
bool StartLogging(const ArgsManager &args)
Definition: common.cpp:189
void SetLoggingOptions(const ArgsManager &args)
Definition: common.cpp:140
void UnsetGlobals()
Definition: common.cpp:38
void LogPackageVersion()
Definition: common.cpp:236
Definition: miner.h:35
bool Random_SanityCheck()
Check that OS randomness is available and returning the requested number of bytes.
Definition: random.cpp:706
void RandomInit()
Initialize global RNG state and log any CPU features that are used.
Definition: random.cpp:786
std::string SHA256AutoDetect()
Autodetect the best available SHA256 implementation.
Definition: sha256.cpp:746
int64_t GetTime()
Definition: time.cpp:109
bool ChronoSanityCheck()
Sanity check epoch match normal Unix epoch.
Definition: time.cpp:30
std::string FormatISO8601DateTime(int64_t nTime)
ISO 8601 formatting is preferred.
Definition: time.cpp:113
#define strprintf
Format arguments and return the string or write to given std::ostream (see tinyformat::format doc for...
Definition: tinyformat.h:1202
bilingual_str _(const char *psz)
Translation function.
Definition: translation.h:68
bilingual_str Untranslated(std::string original)
Mark a bilingual_str as untranslated.
Definition: translation.h:36
void InitWarning(const bilingual_str &str)
Show warning message.
bool InitError(const bilingual_str &str)
Show error message.